
Autore e co-autore di 234 pubblicazioni complessive, di cui 203 pubblicazioni indicizzate su PubMed/Scopus; 7 pubblicazioni su riviste non indicizzate; 13 capitoli di libro; 10 contenuti multimediali (video).

Author position (Scopus 2013 – 2022)

First Author 54 (42%)
Last Author 2 (2%)
Co-Author 61 (47%)
Corresponding Author 56 (43%)
Single Author 8 (6%)

Impact Factor complessivo (2022): 1207.61; Impact Factor medio: 7.45; Impact Factor mediano: 4.72
Citazioni complessive ricevute (Google Scholar): 4093; H-index: 33; i-10 index: 73
Citazioni complessive ricevute (Scopus): 2882; H-index: 29
(Scopus – Author ID: 6603925867; ORCID 0000-0001-5945-1576; Web of Science Researcher ID AAP-6480-2020).

Trend delle Citazioni/anno – Scopus (periodo: 2012 – 2022)

Scopus citations 2012-2022
Trend delle Citazioni/anno Google Scholar (periodo: 2012 – 2022)
Google Scholar citations 2012-2022

Riviste Internazionali Indicizzate

  1. 2002

  2. R. Bazzocchi, A. Bini, M. Grazia, F. Petrella Bronchopleural fistula prevention after major pulmonary resection for primary lung cancer Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 22 (1) 2002 July; 160 – 163
  3. P. Aurea, M. Grazia, F. Petrella, R. Bazzocchi Giant leiomyoma of the esophagus Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 22 (6) December 2002 1008 – 1010
  4. A. Bini, M. Grazia, F. Petrella, M. Chittolini Multiple chondromatous hamartomas of the lung Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery 1 (2) December 2002 78 – 80
  5. 2003

  6. A. Bini, M. Grazia, F. Petrella, R. Bazzocchi Pulmonary infiltration from retroperitoneal carcinoma requiring lung, diaphragm and chest wall resection after thoraco – abdominal access Eur J Cardiothorac Surg ; 2003: 24 ; 168 – 170
  7. M. Grazia, A. Bini, F. Stella, F. Petrella, R. Bazzocchi Heller esophageal myotomy and Dor fundoplicatio for esophageal achalasia in Steinerts’s disease J Cardiovasc Surg 2003: 44; n. 6 Dec – p. 785
  8. Fanti S., Farsad M., Battista G., Montini G.C., Chiti A., Savelli G., Petrella F., Bini A., Nanni C., Romeo A., Franchi R., Bombardieri E., Canini R., Monetti N. Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy for bronchial carcinoid follow – up Clin Nucl Med 2003 Jul;28 (7): 548 – 52
  9. 2004

  10. A. Bini, M. Grazia, F. Stella, F. Petrella, D. Pagani, R. Bazzocchi Solitary fibrous tumor of the pleura: a single institution experience J Cardiovasc Surg ; 2004 apr; 45(2):167-168
  11. A. Bini, M. Grazia, F. Stella, F. Petrella, M. Bacchini, F. Sellitri, M. Chittolini, G. Grani, R. Bazzocchi Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation (CCAM) in an adult presenting as unilobar expanding compressive cyst J Cardiovasc Surg; 2004 Apr;45(2):163-165
  12. A. Bini, M. Grazia, F. Stella, F. Petrella Acute massive haemopneumothorax due to solitary costal exostosis Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery – Eur J Cardiothorac Surg; 2 (4) 2004 – p. 614 – 615
  13. A.Bini, M. Grazia, F. Petrella, F. Stella, R. Bazzocchi Spontaneous biliopneumothorax (thoracobilia) following gastropleural fistula due to stomach perforation by nasogastric tube Ann Thorac Surg 2004 Jul,78(1):339-341
  14. A.Bini, M. Grazia, F. Stella, F. Petrella, R. Bazzocchi Giant malignant histiocytoma of the pleura arising from solitary fibrous tumor Thorax – 2004 Vol 59 – issue 6
  15. 2005

  16. F. Stella, F. Petrella Transsternal transpericardial approach for acute descending necrotizing mediastinitis J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg Jan 2005; 129 (1): 212 – 4
  17. A. Bini, M. Grazia, F. Stella, F. Petrella, F. Sellitri, S. Fanti, N. Monetti, R. Bazzocchi The role of somatostatin receptor scintigraphy (octreoscan) during follow up of patients after bronchial carcinoid resection. A prospective study J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino). 2005 Jun;46(3):318-9
  18. M. Grazia, A. Bini, F. Petrella, F. Stella, R. Bazzocchi, P. Chieco, A. Fabiani, M. Schiavina Predicted postoperative FEV 1 in patients undergoing surgery for lung cancer: is it still useful? J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino). 2005 Jun;46(3):316-8
  19. 2006

  20. D. Galetta, F. Petrella, G. Pelosi, L. Spaggiari Treatment of pulmonary metastases from primary intraosseous odontogenic carcinoma Lancet Oncol. 2006 Mar;7(3):272-3
  21. L Spaggiari, D Galetta, G Veronesi; F Leo, R Gasparri, F Petrella, A Borri, G Pelosi, M Venturino Superior vena cava replacement for lung cancer using an heterologous (bovine) prosthesis: preliminary results J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2006 Feb;131(2):490-1
  22. Veronesi G, Scanagatta P, Leo F, Petrella F, Galetta D, Gasparri R, Borri A, Pelosi G, Leon ME, Spaggiari L. Subclavicular recurrence of breast cancer: does surgery play a role?
    Breast. 2006 Oct;15(5):649-53. Epub 2006 Apr 18
  23. Leo F, Borri A, Petrella F, Gasparri R, Galetta D, Veronesi G, Spaggiari L. Preoperative chemotherapy and postoperative complications: a closer look.
    Ann Thorac Surg. 2006 Jun;81(6):2335
  24. Leo F, Solli P, Veronesi G, Galetta D, Petrella F, Gasparri R, Borri A, Spaggiari L. Review on bronchopleural fistula: did a surgeon review it? Chest. 2006 Jun;129(6):1731; author reply 1731-2; discussion 1732
  25. Leo F, Solli P, Veronesi G, Radice D, Floridi A, Gasparri R, Petrella F, Borri A, Galetta D, Spaggiari L. Does chemotherapy increase the risk of respiratory complications after pneumonectomy? J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2006 Sep;132(3):519-23
  26. Pelosi G, Petrella F, Sandri MT, Spaggiari L, Galetta D, Viale G. A primary pure yolk sac tumor of the lung exhibiting CDX-2 immunoreactivity and increased serum levels of alkaline phosphatase intestinal isoenzyme. Int J Surg Pathol. 2006 Jul;14(3):247-51
  27. Borri A, Leo F, Galetta D, Veronesi G, Solli P, Petrella F, Gasparri R, Scanagatta P, Spaggiari L. Technique, results and impact of induction chemotherapy in sleeve lobectomy for lung cancer Minerva Chir. 2006 Aug;61(4):307-13
  28. Petrella F, Veronesi G, Leo F, Solli P, Borri A, Gasparri R, Galetta D, Scanagatta P, Spaggiari L. Extended redo sleeve resection for postoperative dehiscence after right upper bronchoplasty. Minerva Chir. 2006 Aug;61(4):353-5
  29. Spaggiari L, Petrella F, Leo F, Veronesi G, Solli P Borri A, Galetta D, Gasparri R and Scanagatta P Superior vena cava resection for lung and mediastinal malignancies
    Multimedia Man Cardiothorac Surg MMCTS (October 9, 2006). doi:10.1510/mmcts.2005.001511
  30. 2007

  31. Spaggiari L, Leo F, Veronesi G, Solli P, Galetta D, Tatani B, Petrella F, Radice D. Superior vena cava resection for lung and mediastinal malignancies: a single-center experience with 70 cases. Ann Thorac Surg. 2007 Jan;83(1):223-9; discussion 229-30
  32. Leo F, Scanagatta P, Baglio P, Radice D, Veronesi G, Solli P, Petrella F, Spaggiari L. The risk of pneumonectomy over the age of 70. A case-control study. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2007 Feb 21
  33. Galetta D, Veronesi G, Solli P, Petrella F, Borri A, Gasparri R, Leo F, Spaggiari L. A safe and effective method for an immediate bronchopleural fistula repair. Minerva Chir. 2007 Apr;62(2):137-9
  34. Veronesi G, Petrella F, Leo F, Solli P, Maissoneuve P, Galetta D, Gasparri R, Pelosi G, De Pas T, Spaggiari L. Prognostic role of lymph node involvement in lung metastasectomy.
    J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2007 Apr;133(4):967-72. Epub 2007 Feb 26
  35. Scanagatta P, Leo F, Veronesi G, Solli P, Gasparri R, Galetta D, Petrella F, Borri A, Spaggiari L. Pneumocephalus after Pancoast’s tumor surgery: to be or not to be conservative? J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino). 2007 Jun;48(3):385-7
  36. Leo F, Solli P, Veronesi G, Catalano G, De Pas T, Petrella F, Spaggiari L. Induction chemoradiotherapy for superior sulcus non-small-cell lung cancer: an answer for few.
    J Clin Oncol. 2007 May 20;25(15):2146; author reply 2147
  37. Leo F, De Pas T, Catalano G, Piperno G, Curigliano G, Solli P, Veronesi G, Petrella F, Spaggiari L. Re: Randomized controlled trial of resection versus radiotherapy after induction chemotherapy in stage IIIA-N2 non small-cell lung cancer.
    J Natl Cancer Inst. 2007 Aug 1;99(15):1210; author reply 1210-1. Epub 2007 Jul 24
  38. Bini A, Dolci G, Grani G, Petrella F, Zompatori M. A rare association of the common carotid trunk and aberrant retroesophageal subclavian artery. J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino). 2007 Aug;48(4):529-30
  39. Galetta D, Pelosi G, Leo F, Solli P, Veronesi G, Borri A, Gasparri R, Petrella F, Di Tonno C, Del Curto B, Spaggiari L. Primary thoracic synovial sarcoma: factors affecting long-term survival. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2007 Sep;134(3):808-9
  40. Borri A, Leo F, Veronesi G, Solli P, Galetta D, Gasparri R, Petrella F, Scanagatta P, Radice D, Spaggiari L. Extended pneumonectomy for non-small cell lung cancer: Morbidity, mortality, and long-term results. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2007 Nov;134(5):1266-1272. Epub 2007 Oct 4
  41. Spaggiari L, D’Aiuto M, Veronesi G, Leo F, Solli P, Leon ME, Gasparri R, Galetta D, Petrella F, Borri A and Scanagatta P Anterior approach for Pancoast tumor resection . Multimed Man Cardiothorac Surg MMCTS (October 18, 2007). doi:10.1510/mmcts.2005.001776
  42. 2008

  43. Petrella F, Leo F, Veronesi G, Solli P, Borri A, Galetta D, Gasparri R, Lembo R, Radice D, Scanagatta P, Spaggiari L. “Salvage” surgery for primary mediastinal malignancies: is it worthwhile? J Thorac Oncol. 2008 Jan;3(1):53-8
  44. 2009

  45. Petrella F, Leo F, Alves Dos Santos N, Veronesi G, Solli P, Borri A, Galetta D, Gasparri R, Scanagatta P, Spaggiari L. “Circular Clamp” excision: a new technique for lung metatstasectomy J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2009 Jul;138(1):244-5. Epub 2008 Jul 24
  46. Petrella F, Chieco P, Solli P, Veronesi G, Borri A, Galetta D, Gasparri R, Spaggiari L. Which factors affect pulmonary function after lung metastasectomy? Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2009 May;35(5):792-6. Epub 2009 Feb 23
  47. Galetta D, Petrella F, Borri A, Gasparri R, Spaggiari L. Vascular catheter mimicking persistent left superior vena cava. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2009 Apr;57(3):185-6. Epub 2009 Mar 27
  48. Petrella F, Cavaliere S, Foccoli P, Bezzi M, Toninelli C, Guarize J, Spaggiari L Transanastomotic Endobronchial Migration of a Pericardial Flap J Bronchology Interv Pulmonol October 2009 – Volume 16 – Issue 4 – pp 290-292
  49. Petrella F, Monfardini L, Musi G, Pelosi G, Veronesi G, Leo F, Solli P, Borri A, Galetta D, Gasparri R, Scanagatta P, Spaggiari L. Synchronous pleuro – renal solitary fibrous tumors: a new clinical-pathological finding. Minerva Chir. 2009 Dec;64(6):669-71
  50. 2010

  51. Petrella F, Rizzo S, Solli P, Borri A, Galetta D, Gasparri R, Veronesi G, Spaggiari L Intraparenchymal Pulmonary Artery Aneurysm from Ipsilobar Non Small Cell Lung Cancer 2010 Feb; 5(2):258 – 9 J Thorac Oncol
  52. Petrella F, Pruneri G, Ghioni M, Borri A, Galetta D, Gasparri R, Solli P, Veronesi G, Spaggiari L Synchronous primary lung cancer, breast cancer recurrence and mediastinal silicon – indiced lymphoadenitis J Thorac Oncol. 2010 Apr;5(4):560-1
  53. Petrella F, Rizzo S, Pelosi G, Borri A, Galetta D, Gasparri R, Solli P, Veronesi G, Spaggiari L Giant alveolar adenoma causing severe dyspnoea J Thorac Oncol 2010 Jul; 5(7):1088-90
  54. Veronesi G, Maisonneuve P, Spaggiari L, Rampinelli C, Pelosi G, Preda L, Petrella F, Borri A, Casiraghi M, Bertolotti R, Rotmensz N, Bellomi M Long term outcomes of a pilot CT CT screening for lung cancer Ecancermedicalscience. 2010;4:186
  55. 2011

  56. Petrella F, Rizzo S, Radice D, Borri A, Galetta D, Gasparri R, Borri A, Solli P, Veronesi G, Bellomi M, Spaggiari L Predicting prolonged air leak after standard pulmonary lobectomy: computed tomography assessment and risk factors stratification The Surgeon Volume 9, Issue 2, April 2011, Pages 72-77
  57. Petrella F, Radice D, Borri A, Galetta D, Gasparri R, Solli P, Veronesi G, Spaggiari L The impact of preoperative body mass index on respiratory complications after pneumonectomy for non small cell lung cancer – results from a series of 154 consecutive standard pneumonectomies Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2011 May;39(5):738-744 Epub 2010 Oct 16
  58. Casiraghi M, De Pas T, Maisonneuve P, Brambilla D, Ciprandi B, Galetta D, Borri A, Gasparri R, Petrella F, Tessitore A, Guarize J, Donghi SM, Veronesi G, Solli P, Spaggiari L A 10-year single – center experience on 708 lung metastasectomies: the evidence of the “International Registry of Lung Metastases” J Thorac Oncol 2011 Jun 2
  59. Petrella F, Solli P, Borri A, Spaggiari L Modified “Blalock clamp”: a single – hand autostatic device for pulmonary vessel occlusion during lung cancer resection Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery – December,22 2011
  60. 2012

  61. Petrella F, Radice D, Randine MG, Borri A, Galetta D, Gasparri R, Donghi S, Casiraghi M, Tessitore A, Guarize J, Pardolesi A, Solli P, Veronesi G, Spaggiari L Perioperative blood transfusion practices in oncologic thoracic surgery: when, why and how Ann Surg Oncol 2012 Jan; 19(1):82-8 Epub 2011 Jul 12
  62. Galetta D, Solli P, Borri A, Petrella F, Gasparri R, Brambilla D, Spaggiari L Bilobectomy for lung cancer: analysis of indications, post operative results and long-term outcomes Ann Thorac Surg 2012 Jan; 93(1):251-7; discussion 257-8. Epub 2011 Nov 23
  63. Petrella F, Rizzo S, Monfardini L, Borri A, Galetta D, Gasparri R, Solli P,Veronesi G, Spaggiari L Aneurysm of the internal thoracic vein: an exteremely rare cause of a mediastinal mass J Thorac Oncol 2012 Mar; 7 (3):607 – 608
  64. Pardolesi A, Park B, Petrella F, Borri A, Gasparri R, Veronesi G Robotic anatomic segmentectomy of the lung: technical aspects and initial results Ann Thorac Surg 2012 Jun 27
  65. Galetta D, Solli P, Borri A, Gasparri R, Petrella F, Pardolesi A, Spaggiari L Bronchovascular reconstruction for lung cancer: does induction chemotherapy influence the outcomes? Ann Thorac Surg 2012 Jul 7 Epub
  66. Spaggiari L, Petrella F, Galetta D Carinal resection Multimed Man Cardiothorac Surg MMCTS doi:10.1093/mmcts/mms001, published online 29 March 2012
  67. Sabbatini AR, Lembo R, Valoriani F, Zagallo M, Spaggiari L, Veronesi G, Solli PG, Petrella F, Luca F, Andreoni B, Biffi R Impact on surgical outcome of body mass index, serum albumin levels and weight loss in a prospectively assessed cohort of patients undergoing curative resection for esophageal cancer Nutritional Therapy and Metabolism. 2012;30(3):137-143
  68. 2013

  69. Petrella F, Cavaliere S, Spaggiari L “Pop corn” effect J Bronchology Interv Pulmonol 2013 Apr;20(2):193-4
  70. Spaggiari L, Tessitore A, Casiraghi M, Guarize J, Solli P, Borri A, Gasparri R, Petrella F, Maisonneuve P, Galetta D Survival After Extended Resection for Mediastinal Advanced Lung Cancer: Lessons Learned on 167 Consecutive Cases. Ann Thorac Surg. 2013 Apr 5
  71. Petrella F, Pietra A, Borri A, Galetta D, Gasparri R, Solli P, Veronesi G, Spaggiari L Endobronchial tumor embolism J Bronchology Interv Pulmonol 2013 Oct;20(4):366-8
  72. Petrella F, Rizzo S, Solli P, Borri A, Galetta D, Gasparri R, Veronesi G, Casiraghi M, Tessitore A, Pardolesi A, Spaggiari L Giant solitary fibrous tumour of the pleura requiring left pneumonectomy Thoracic Cancer Volume 5, Issue 1, pages 108–110, January 2014
  73. Veronesi G, Maisonneuve P, Rampinelli C, Bertolotti R, Petrella F, Spaggiari L, Bellomi M Computed tomography screening for lung cancer: results of ten years of annual screening and validation of cosmos prediction model Lung Cancer 2013 Sep 8
  74. 2014

  75. Petrella F, Toffalorio F, Brizzola S, De Pas M, Rizzo S, Barberis M, Pelicci PG, Spaggiari L, Acocella F Stem cell transplantation effectively occludes broncho pleural fistula in an animal model Ann Thorac Surg 2014 Feb; 97(2):480-3
  76. Petrella F, Noberasco C, Monfardini L, Rizzo S, Colandrea M, Bottiglieri L, Paganelli G, Spaggiari L Hibernoma mimicking metastasis on positron emission tomography – computed tomopgraphy imaging: a misleading finding in oncologic patient follow up Breast J. 2014 Jan; 20 (1) 87-9
  77. Petrella F, Borri A, Casiraghi M, Cavaliere S, Donghi S, Galetta D, Gasparri R, Guarize J, Pardolesi A, Solli P, Tessitore A, Venturino M, Veronesi G and Spaggiari L Operative rigid bronchoscopy: indications, basic techniques and results Multimed Man Cardiothorac Surg. 2014 May 27;2014
  78. Zampino MG, Maisonneuve P, Ravenda PS, Magni E, Casiraghi M, Solli P, Petrella F, Gasparri R, Galetta D, Borri A, Donghi S, Veronesi G, Spaggiari L Lung Metastases From Colorectal Cancer: Analysis of Prognostic Factors in a Single Institution Study. Ann Thorac Surg. 2014 Aug 5
  79. Galetta D, Borri A, Casiraghi M, Gasparri R, Petrella F, Tessitore A, Serra M, Guarize J, Spaggiari L. Outcome and prognostic factors of resected non-small cell lung cancer invading the diaphragm† Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2014 Jun 26
  80. Lepanto D, Maffini F, Petrella F, Colandrea M, Putzu C, Barberis M, Paganelli C, Viale G Atypical primary pulmonary meningioma: a report of a case suspected of being a lung metastasis ecancermedicalscience April 2014
  81. Guarize J, Pardolesi A, Donghi S, Filippi N, Casadio C, Midolo V, Petrella F, Spaggiari L Endobronchial ultrasound for mediastinal staging in lung cancer patients. Multimed Man Cardiothorac Surg. 2014 Oct 20;2014
  82. Foà R, Rizzo S, Petrella F, De Maria F, Bellomi M Recurrent aggressive fibromatosis of the chest wall. Ecancermedicalscience. 2014 Sep 16;8:464
  83. 2015

  84. Petrella F, Guarize J, Toffalorio F, Rizzo S, Bellomi M, Pastano R, Giordano R, Lazzari L, Montemurro T, Barberis M, Donghi S, Zanotti M,Giardina G, Brizzola S,Acocella F, Tosoni A, Spaggiari L Airway fistula closure after stem-cell infusion N Engl J Med 272;1 Jan 1st 2015
  85. Petrella F Spaggiari L Bronchopleural fistula treatments: from the archetype of surgery to the future of stem cell therapy Lung India. 2015 Mar-Apr;32(2):100-1
  86. Casiraghi M, Maisonneuve P, Brambilla D, Petrella F, Solli P, Guarize J, De Marinis F, Spaggiari L The Role of Extended Pulmonary Metastasectomy J Thorac Oncol. 2015 Jun;10(6):924-929
  87. Petrella F, Rizzo S, Borri A, Casiraghi M, Spaggiari L Current perspectives in mesenchymal stromal cell therapy for airway tissue defects Stem Cells Int. 2015;2015:746392
  88. Petrella F, Spaggiari L Post-resectional airway fistula occlusion via stem-cell transplantation. Is it oncologically safe? (reply to PMID) Ann Thorac Surg 2015;100:2411–20
  89. Scarci M, Pardolesi A, Caruana EJ, Petrella F, Solli P Video assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy: operative technique Multimed Man Cardiothorac Surg. 2015 Jul 14;2015
  90. Galetta D, Borri A, Gasparri R, Petrella F, Spaggiari L Surgical Techniques and Long-Term Results of Pulmonary Artery Reconstruction in Patients With Lung Cancer Ann Thorac Surg. 2015 Jul 21. pii: S0003-4975(15)00801-2
  91. Gasparri R, Rezende GC, Fazio N, Maisonneuve P, Brambilla D, Travaini LL, Paganelli G, Petrella F, Galetta D, Spaggiari L Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in pulmonary carcinoid tumors Q J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2015 Dec;59(4):446-54
  92. Gridelli C, Rossi A, Carbone DP, Guarize J, Karachaliou N, Mok T, Petrella F, Spaggiari L, Rosell R Non-small-cell lung cancer Nature Reviews Disease Primers Volume 1-2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited
  93. 2016

  94. Rizzo S, Petrella F, Buscarino V, De Maria F, Raimondi S, Barberis M, Fumagalli C, Spitaleri G, Rampinelli C, De Marinis F, Spaggiari L, Bellomi M. CT Radiogenomic Characterization of EGFR, K-RAS, and ALK Mutations in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Eur Radiol. 2016 Jan;26(1):32-42
  95. Petrella F, Radice D, Borri A, Galetta D, Gasparri R, Casiraghi M, Pardolesi A, Solli P, Veronesi G, Martella S, Rizzo S, Rietjens M, Spaggiari L Chest Wall Resection and Reconstruction for Locally Recurrent Breast Cancer: from technical
    aspects to biological assessment Surgeon. 2016 Feb;14(1):26-32
  96. Gasparri R, Santonico M, Valentini C, Sedda G, Borri A, Petrella F, Maisonneuve P, Pennazza G, D’Amico A, Di Natale C, Paolesse R, Spaggiari L Volatile signature for the early diagnosis of lung cancer. J Breath Res. 2016 Feb 9;10(1):016007. doi: 10.1088/1752-7155/10/1/016007
  97. Petrella F, Spaggiari L The smaller, the better: a new paradigm in thoracic surgery? Lancet Oncol. 2016 May 6
  98. Petrella F, Spaggiari L An evaluation of therapeutic options following pneumonectomy in NSCLC Expert Rev Respir Med 2016 Aug;10(8):919-25
  99. Petrella F, Radice D, Casiraghi M, Gasparri R, Borri A, Guarize J, Galetta D, Venturino M, Spaggiari L Glasgow prognostic score class II predicts prolonged intensive care unit stay in patients undergoing pneumonectomy Ann Thorac Surg 2016 Dec;102(6):1898-1904
  100. Petrella F, Borri A, Brambilla D, Calanca G, Vezzani N, Colantoni A, Gasparetto A, Spaggiari L Efficacy and safety of Innoseal for air leak after pulmonary resection: a case-control study J Surg Research 2016 Nov;206(1):22-26
  101. Rizzo S, Petrella F, Passaro A, De Marinis F, Bellomi M Proposals for Revisions of the Classification of Lung Cancers with Multiple Pulmonary Sites: the radiologist’s, thoracic surgeon’ s and oncologist’s point of view. Commentary J Thorac Dis 2016 Aug;8(8):E805-8. doi: 10.21037/jtd.2016.07.23
  102. Wang P, Petrella F, Nicosia L, Bellomi M, Rizzo S Molecular imaging of stem cell transplantation for liver diseases: monitoring, clinical translation, and theranostics Stem Cell Int, 2016;2016:4058656. doi: 10.1155/2016/4058656
  103. Spaggiari L, Casiraghi M, Guarize J, Brambilla D, Petrella F, Maisonneuve P, De Marinis F Outcome of Patients With pN2 “Potentially Resectable” Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer Who Underwent Surgery After Induction Chemotherapy Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2016 Summer;28(2):593-602. doi: 10.1053/j.semtcvs.2015.12.001
  104. 2017

  105. Petrella F, Coccè V, Masia C, Milani M, Omodeo Salè E, Alessandri G, Parati E, Sisto F, Pentimalli F, Brini A, Pessina A, Spaggiari L Paclitaxel-releasing mesenchymal stromal cells inhibit in vitro proliferation of human mesothelioma cells Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy Biomed Pharmacother. 2017 Jan 30;87:755-758. doi: 10.1016/j.biopha.2017.01.118
  106. Rizzo S, Petrella F, Politi LS, Wang P Molecular Imaging of Stem Cells: In Vivo Tracking and Clinical Translation Stem Cells Int. 2017;2017:1783841. doi: 10.1155/2017/1783841
  107. Petrella F, Diotti C, Rimessi A, Spaggiari L Pulmonary Metastasectomy: an overview J Thorac Dis – Vol 9, Supplement 12 (Oct 2017)
  108. Rizzo S, Petrella F, Zucca I, Rinaldi E, Barbaglia A, Padelli F, Baggi F, Spaggiari L, Bellomi M, Bruzzone MG In vitro labelling and detection of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs): a comparative study between Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of iron-labelled cells and 19F-Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) of fluorine-labelled cells Eur Radiol Exp. 2017;1(1):6. DOI 10.1186/s41747-017-0010-9
  109. Casiraghi M, Maisonneuve P, Piperno G, Bellini R, Brambilla D, Petrella F, de Marinis F, Spaggiari L Salvage Surgery After Definitive Chemoradiotherapy for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2017 Summer;29(2):233-241
  110. Casiraghi M, Maisonneuve P, Brambilla D, Solli P, Galetta D, Petrella F, Piperno G, De Marinis F, Spaggiari L Induction chemotherapy, extrapleural pneumonectomy and adjuvant radiotherapy for malignant pleural mesothelioma Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2017 May 8. doi: 10.1093/ejcts/ezx122
  111. Petrella F, Lo Iacono G, Monaco F, Pirola S, Alamanni F, Rizzo S, Spaggiari L Mediastinal aorto-pulmonary paraganglioma Am Surg 2017 May 1;83(5):153-154
  112. Mazzella A, Pardolesi A, Maisonneuve P, Petrella F, Galetta D, Gasparri R, Spaggiari L Bronchopleural fistula after pneumonectomy: Risk factors and management, focusing on open window thoracostomy Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2017 Nov 3
  113. Fazio N, Ungaro A, Spada F, Cella CA, Pisa E, Barberis M,Grana C,Zerini D, Bertani E, Ribero D, Funicelli L, Bonomo D, Ravizza D, Guarize J, de Marinis F, Petrella F, Del Signore E, Pelosi G, Spaggiari L The role of multimodal treatment in patients with advanced lung neuroendocrine tumors Journal of Thoracic Disease – J Thorac Dis. 2017 Nov;9(Suppl 15):S1501-S1510
  114. Facchetti G, Petrella F, Spaggiari L, Rimoldi I Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma: state of the art and advanced cell therapy Eur J Med Chem. 2017 Aug 2. pii: S0223-5234(17)30585-8
  115. Petrella F, Spaggiari L Pulmonary metastasectomy: beyond the tip of the iceberg J Thorac Dis – Vol 9, Supplement 12 (Oct 2017)
  116. Guarize J, Casiraghi M, Donghi S, Casadio C, Diotti C, Filippi N, Di Tonno C, Midolo, V, Maisonneuve P, Brambilla D, Grana C, Petrella F, Spaggiari L Endobronchial ultrasound transbronchial needle aspiration in positron emission tomography (PET) positive lymphadenopathies in treated cancer patients 2017ERJ Open Res. 2017 Oct 23;3(4)
  117. Petrella F, Spaggiari L Repair of large airway defects with bioprosthetic materials Invited Editorial J Thorac Dis Vol 9, No 10 (October, 2017)
  118. Gasparri R, Romano R, Sedda G, Borri A, Petrella F, Galetta D, Casiraghi M, Spaggiari L Diagnostic biomarkers for lung cancer prevention J Breath Res. 2017 Oct 16
  119. Petrella F, Rimoldi I, Rizzo S, Spaggiari L Mesenchymal stromal cells for antineoplastic drug loading and delivery Medicines (Basel) 2017, 4(4), 87; doi:10.3390/medicines4040087
  120. Petrella F, Spaggiari L Post-pneumonectomy syndrome: an old challenge for new technologies – Invited Commentary J Thorac Cardiovasc SurgJ 2017 Dec 9. pii: S0022-5223(17)32814-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jtcvs.2017.12.018
  121. 2018

  122. Guarize J, Bianchi F, Marino E, Belloni E, Vecchi M, Donghi S, Lo Iacono G, Casadio C, Cuttano R, Barberis M, Di Fiore PP, Petrella F, Spaggiari L MicroRNA expression profile in primary lung cancer cells lines obtained by endobronchial ultrasound transbronchial needle aspiration J Thorac Dis. 2018 Jan;10(1):408-415
  123. Guarize J, Casiraghi M, Donghi S, Diotti C, Vanoni N, Romano R, Casadio C, Brambilla D, Maisonneuve P, Petrella F, Spaggiari L Endobronchial Ultrasound Transbronchial Needle Aspiration In Thoracic Diseases: Much More Than Mediastinal Staging Can Respir J. 2018 Mar 4;2018
  124. Petrella F, Sandri A, Rizzo S, Borri A, Galetta D, Gasparri R, Spaggiari L Emergenecy drainage for post pneumonectomy bronchopleural fistula: a drain placement technique based on the siphon principle J Thorac Dis. 2018 Jan;10(1):468-471
  125. Petrella F, Spaggiari L Stem Cells Application in Thoracic Surgery: Current Perspective and Future Directions Adv Exp Med Biol. 2018 Mar 1. doi: 10.1007/5584_2018_180
  126. Petrella F, Mariolo AV, Guarize J, Donghi S, Girelli L, Rizzo S, Spaggiari L Bronchial carcinoid in anomalous right upper bronchus: a “patient-tailored” bronchoplastic resection technique J Vis Surg 2018;4:81
  127. Petrella F, Bonalumi G, Andreini D, De Camilli E, Spaggiari L, Alamanni F Primary epithelioid emangioendothelioma of the heart Am Surg. 2018 Jun 1;84(6):199-200
  128. Petrella F, Maisonneuve P, Borri A, Casiraghi M, Donghi S, Durkovic S, Filippi N, Galetta D, Gasparri R, Guarize J, Lo Iacono G, Mariolo A, Tessitore A, Spaggiari L Pleural catheters after thoracoscopic treatment of malignant pleural effusion: a randomized comparative study on quality of life J Thorac Dis. 2018 May;10(5):2999-3004
  129. Spaggiari L, Petrella F, Maione P, Gridelli C Lung cancer resection in octogenarian patients J Thorac Dis. 2018 Jun;10(Suppl 17):S1995-S1997
  130. Petrella F, Guarize J, Spaggiari L The role of endobronchial treatment for bronchial carcinoid: consideration from the thoracic surgeons’s point of view Respiration June 28, 2018
  131. Casiraghi M, Mariolo AV, Galetta D, Petrella F, Brambilla D, Spaggiari L Carinal resection: technical tips J Vis Surg 2018;4:122
  132. Petrella F, Prisciandaro E, Mariolo AV, Girelli L, Pirola S, Spaggiari L Mediastinal silicon-induced lymphadenopathy mimicking “N3” disease in resectable lung cancer J Vis Surg (accepted on 29, June 2018)
  133. Cardinale D, Cosentino N, Moltrasio M, Sandri MT, Petrella F, Colombo A, Bacchiani G, Tessitore A, Bonomi A, Veglia F, Salvatici M, Cipolla CM, Marenzi G, Spaggiari L, Acute Kidney Injury after Lung Cancer Surgery, Lung Cancer. 2018 Sep;123:155-159
  134. Petrella F, Arlati F, Mariolo AV, Gennari M, Pirola S, Polvani G, Spaggiari L Distal sternectomy for post-sternotomy chronic osteomyelitis J Vis Surg (accepted on 5, September 2018)
  135. Rimoldi I, Coccè V, Facchetti G, Alessandri G, Brini AT, Sisto F, Parati E, Cavicchini L, Lucchini G, Petrella F, Ciusani E, Pessina A Uptake-release by MSCs of a cationic platinum(II) complex active in vitro on human malignant cancer cell lines Biomed Pharmacother 108 (2018) 111 – 118
  136. Petrella F, Regenerative medicine in cardiothoracic surgery: do the benefits outweight the risks? J Thorac Dis J Thorac Dis. 2018 Jul;10(Suppl 20):S2309-S2311
  137. Petrella F, Spaggiari L Artificial lung J Thorac Dis. 2018 Jul;10(Suppl 20):S2329-S2332
  138. Petrella F, Rimoldi I, Facchetti G, Spaggiari L Novel platinum agents and mesenchymal stromal cells for thoracic malignancies: state of the art and future perspectives Expert Opin Ther Pat. 2018 Sep 24:1-9
  139. Petrella F Indications and timing of conversion to thoracotomy during video-assisted lung resection J Thorac Dis Nov;10(Suppl 33):S4159-S4161
  140. Petrella F, Casiraghi M, Spaggiari L Technical Aspects of extrapleural pneumonectomy Shangai Chest 2018;2:22
  141. Petrella F, Radice D, Colombo N, Diotti C, Mariolo AV, de Marinis F, Spaggiari L Pericardial-Peritoneal Window for Malignant Pericardial Effusion Shangai Chest 2018;2:45
  142. Petrella F, Casiraghi M, Mariolo AV, Diotti C, Spaggiari L Rigid Prosthesis Removal Following Chest Wall Resection and Reconstruction for Cancer Shangai Chest 2018;2:64
  143. 2019

  144. Rizzo S, Raimondi S, De Jong EEC, van Elmpt W, De Piano F, Petrella F, Bagnardi V, Jochems A, Bellomi M, Dingemans AM, Lambin P Genomics of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): Association between CT-based imaging features and EGFR and K-RAS mutations in 122 patients—An external validation Eur J Radiol Volume 110, January 2019, Pages 148-155
  145. Petrella F, Spaggiari L Comparison of pulmonary metastasectomy and stereotactic body radiation therapy for the treatment of lung metastases J Thorac Dis. 2019 Mar;11(Suppl 3):S280-S282
  146. Petrella F, Frassoni S, Bagnardi V, Casiraghi M, Brambilla D, Diotti C, Spaggiari L Surgical Treatment of Bilateral Lung Cancers: Long-Term Outcomes and Prognostic Factors Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2019 Apr 16
  147. Petrella F, Casiraghi M, Prisciandaro E, Gherzi L, Spaggiari L Incidental diagnosis of pulmonary mycobacteriosis among patients scheduled for lung cancer surgery: results form a series of 3224 consecutive operations Heliyon 2019 Mar 27;5(3):e01395
  148. Casiraghi M, Guarize J, Sandri A, Maisonneuve P, Brambilla D, Romano R, Galetta D, Petrella F, Gasparri R, Gridelli C, de Marinis F, Spaggiari L Pneumonectomy in stage IIIA-N2 NSCLC: should it be considered after neoadjuvant chemotherapy? Clin Lung Cancer. 2019 Mar;20(2):97-106.e1
  149. Petrella F, Spaggiari L Prolonged air leak after pulmonary lobectomy J Thorac Dis 2019 Sep;11(Suppl 15):S1976-S1978
  150. Spaggiari L, Sedda G, Maisonneuve P, Tessitore A, Casiraghi M, Petrella F, Galetta D A brief report on survival after robotic lobectomy for early-stage lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol. 2019 Aug 19. pii: S1556-0864(19)30666-5
  151. Bertolaccini L, Petrella F, Spaggiari L Climbing the slope of the learning curve in the subxiphoid uniportal video-assisted thoracic surgery approach Shanghai Chest 2019;3:33
  152. Petrella F Stem Cells for Lung Cancer: Impacts and Future Developments Shanghai Chest 2019;3:44
  153. 2020

  154. Petrella F, Spaggiari L Surgery of the chest wall: indications, timing and technical aspects J Thorac Dis 2020 12(1), pp. 1-2
  155. Petrella F, Lo Iacono G, Casiraghi M, Gherzi L, Prisciandaro E, Rampinelli C, Colandrea M, Grana C, Spaggiari L Radioisotope-guided localization and resection of non-palpable focal lesion of the rib J Thorac Dis 2020 12(1), pp. 1-2
  156. Petrella F, Lo Iacono G, Casiraghi M, Gherzi L, Prisciandaro E, Garusi C, Spaggiari L Chest wall resection and reconstruction by rigid prosthesis (polypropylene mesh/methylmethacrylate composite) for locally recurrent breast carcinoma J Thorac Dis 2020 12(1), pp. 1-2
  157. Petrella F, Casiraghi M, Filippi N, Orlandi R, Alliata A, Lo Iacono G, Funicelli L, Rizzo S, Spaggiari L MRI-guided segmental sternectomy for impalpable intraosseous lesion J Thorac Dis 2020 12(1), pp. 1-2
  158. Rizzo S, Del Grande F, Wannesson L, Froesch P, Giannetto G, Petrella F Recent developments and advances in secondary prevention of lung cancer Eur J Cancer Prev. 29(4):321-328, July 2020
  159. Casiraghi M, Bertolaccini L, Sedda G, Petrella F, Galetta D, Guarize J, Maisonneuve P, De Marinis F, Spaggiari L Lung cancer surgery in oligometastatic patients: outcome and survival. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2020 Feb 24
  160. Petrella F, Casiraghi M, Radice D, Bertolaccini L, Spaggiari L Treatment of chylothorax after lung resection: indications, timing and outcomes Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2020 Jun 3
  161. Lisini D, Nava S, Frigerio S, Pogliani S, Maronati G,Marcianti A,Coccè V, Bondiolotti G, Cavicchini L, Paino F, Petrella F, Alessandri G, Parati EA, Pessina A Automated large-scale production of paclitaxel loaded mesenchymal tromal cells for cell therapy applications Pharmaceutics 2020 Apr 30;12(5):E411
  162. Botta F, Raimondi S, Rinaldi L, Bellerba F, Corso F, Bagnardi V, Origgi D,Minelli R, Pitoni G, Petrella F, Spaggiari L, Morganti AG, Del Grande F, Bellomi M, Rizzo S Association of a CT-Based Clinical and Radiomics Score of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) with Lymph Node Status and Overall Survival Cancers (Basel). 2020 May 31;12(6):E1432
  163. Spaggiari L, Sedda G, Petrella F, Venturino M, Rossi F, Guarize J, Galetta D, Casiraghi M, Lo Iacono G, Bertolaccini L, Alamanni F Preliminary results of ECMO-Assisted Tracheal Sleeve Pneumonectomy for Cancer. Thor Cardiovasc Surg Accepted (18 May 2020)
  164. Petrella F Electronic cigarettes, vaping-related lung injury and lung cancer: where do we stand? Eur J Cancer Prev accepted on June 26 2020
  165. Rizzo S, Padelli F, Rinaldi E, Gioeni D, Aquino D, Brizzola S, Acocella F, Spaggiari L, Baggi F, Bellomi M, Bruzzone MG, Petrella F 7-T MRI tracking of mesenchymal stromal cells after lung injection in a rat model. Eur Radiol Exp. 2020 Oct 8;4(1):54
  166. Petrella F The role of surgery in lung cancer treatment Cancers (Basel). 2020 Sep 28;12(10):E2777
  167. Bertolaccini L, Prisciandaro E, Galetta D, Casiraghi M, Guarize J, Petrella F, Sedda G, Lo Iacono G, Brambilla D, Spaggiari L Outcomes and Safety Analysis in Superior Vena Cava Resection for Extended Thymic Epithelial Tumors Ann Thorac Surg. 2020 Oct 14:S0003-4975(20)31667-2
  168. Girelli L, Casiraghi M, Sandri A, Petrella F, Galetta D, Gasparri R, Maisonneuve P, Fazio N, Spaggiari L Results of Surgical Resection of Locally Advanced Pulmonary Neuroendocrine Tumors Ann Thorac Surg . 2020 Oct 29;S0003-4975(20)31821-X
  169. Coccè V, Bonomi A, Cavicchini L, Sisto F, Giannì A, Farronato G, Alessandri G, Petrella F, Sordi V, Parati E, Bondiolotti G, Paino F, Pessina A Paclitaxel Priming of TRAIL Expressing Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (MSCs-TRAIL) Increases Antitumor Efficacy of Their Secretome Curr Cancer Drug Targets. 2020 Nov 15
  170. Petrella F, Casiraghi M, Radice D, Prisciandaro E, Rizzo S, Spaggiari L Prognostic Value of Red Blood Cell Distribution Width in Resected pN1 Lung Adenocarcinoma Cancers (Basel) 2020 12(12), 3677
  171. Dai J, Greiffenstein P, Petrella F, Jae Jun Kim JJ, Giuseppe Marulli G, Yong Fang Y, Zhou Y Treatment of a lung lobectomy patient with severe post-surgical infection in the anterior thoracic wall by multiple debridement and drainage procedures: a case report iMDT Corner J Thorac Dis 2020 Dec;12(12):7481-7487
  172. Petrella F, Salvi L, Venturino M, Alamanni F, Spaggiari L Veno-venous Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation Tracheal Sleeve Pneumonectomy Shanghai Chest 2020;4:7
  173. Filippi N, Prisciandaro E, Cavallotti L, Bertolaccini L, Petrella F, Spaggiari L Don’t get your wires crossed: epicardial wire-induced lung granuloma Shanghai Chest 2020;4:34
  174. Guarize J, Sedda G, Bonizzoni G, Donghi SM, Casiraghi M, Petrella F, Spaggiari L The role of endobronchial ultrasound transbronchial needle aspiration in patients candidate to pneumonectomy Shanghai Chest 2020;4:39
  175. Lo Iacono G, Petrella F, Casiraghi M, Spaggiari L One’s learning is never complete: chronic high-pressure life-treating pleural effusion in post-pneumonectomy patients Shanghai Chest 2020;4:45
  176. 2021

  177. Petrella F, Radice D, Guarize J, Piperno G, Rampinelli C, de Marinis F, Spaggiari L The Impact of Multidisciplinary Team Meetings on Patient Management in Oncologic Thoracic Surgery Cancers (Basel) 2021, 13(2), 228
  178. Petrella F Diagnosis and Treatment of Primary and Secondary Lung Cancers Cancers (Basel) 2021, 13(3), 448
  179. Petrella F, Casiraghi M, Radice D, Cara A, Maffeis G, Prisciandaro E, Rizzo S, Spaggiari L Prognostic value of the Hemoglobin /red cell distribution width ratio in resected lung adenocarcinoma Cancers (Basel). 2021 Feb 9;13(4):710
  180. Zeira O, Ghezzi E, Pettinari L, Re V, Lupi DM, Benali SL, Borgonovo S, Alessandri G, Petrella F, Paroni R, Dei Cas M, Tremolada C, Coccè V, Pessina A Microfragmented Adipose Tissue Drug Delivery in Canine Mesothelioma: A Case Report on Safety, Feasibility and Clinical Findings Front Vet Sci. 2021 Jan 14;7:585427
  181. Casiraghi M, Sedda G, Del Signore E, Piperno G, Maisonneuve P, Petrella F, de Marinis F, Spaggiari L. Surgery for small cell lung cancer: When and how. Lung Cancer. 2020 Dec 22;152:71-77
  182. Triberti S, Petrella F, Gorini A, Pappalardo O, Sebri V, Savioni L, Redaelli A, Pravettoni G Augmenting surgery: Medical students’ assessment and ergonomics of 3d holograms vs. ct scans for pre-operative planning EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology Volume 7, Issue 25, 2021
  183. Conte E, Brucato A, Petrella F, Passoni E, Lauri G, Bigliardi M, Ricciardi G, Selmi C, Agostoni P, Alamanni F, Andreini D Pericardial effusion treated with pericardiectomy plus right atrial mass resection: 2-years follow-up of cardiac Rosai-Dorfman disease Front Cardiovasc Med. 2021 May 31;8:668031
  184. Mazzella A, Bertolaccini L, Petrella F, Spaggiari L Veno-venous extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation-assisted right tracheal-sleeve pneumonectomy Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2021 May 16
  185. Chen Y, Zhou ZQ, Feng JX, Su ZQ, Zhong CH, Lu LY, Chen XB, Tang CL, Digumarthy SR, Fiorelli A, Natour E, Lococo F, Petrella F, Harris K, Nakada T, Zhong NS, Li SY Hybrid stenting with silicone Y stents and metallic stents in the management of severe malignant airway stenosis and fistulas Transl Lung Canc Res Vol 10, No 5 (May 2021)
  186. Coccè V, La Monica S, Bonelli M, Alessandri G, Alfieri R, Lagrasta CA, Madeddu D, Frati C, Flammini L, Lisini D, Marcianti A, Parati E, F Paino F, Giannì A, Farronato G, Falco A, Spaggiari L, Petrella F, Pessina A Inhibition of Human Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Growth 2 by Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Cells. 2021 Jun 8;10(6):1427
  187. Petrella F The Present Role of the Thoracic Surgeon in the Diagnostic Workup of Tuberculosis Pol Arch Intern Med. 2021 Aug 30;131(7-8):615-616
  188. Meacci E, Nachira D, Zanfrini E, Evangelista J, Triumbari EKA, Congedo MT, Petracca Ciavarella L, Chiappetta M, Vita ML, Schinzari G, Rossi E, Tortora G, Lucchi M, Ambrogi M, Calabrò F, Petrella F, Spaggiari L, Mammana M, Lioret Madrid A, Rea F, Tabacco D, Margaritora S Prognostic factors affecting survival after pulmonary resection of metastatic renal cell carcinoma: a multicenter experience Cancers (Basel). 2021 Jun 29;13(13):3258
  189. Monzani M, Petrocchi S, Oliveri S, Veldwijk J, Janssens R, Bailo L, Smith M, Smith IP, Schoefs E, Nackaerts K, Vandevelde M, Louis E, Decaluwe H, Deleyn P, Declerck H, Katz EG, Petrella F, Casiraghi M, Durosini I, Galli G, Garassino M, de Wit A, Pravettoni G, Huys I Patient Preferences for Lung Cancer Treatments: A Study Protocol for a Preference Survey using Discrete Choice Experiment and Swing Weighting Front Med (Lausanne). 2021 Aug 2;8:689114
  190. Zhou C, Li S, Liu J, Chu Q, Miao L, Cai L, Cai X, Chen Y, Cui F, Dong Y, Dong W, Fang W, He Y, Li W, Li M, Liang W, Lin G, Lin J, Lin X, Liu H, Liu M, Mu X, Hu Y, Hu J, Jin Y, Li Z, Qin Y, Ren S, Sun G, Shen Y, Su C, Tang K, Wu L, Wang M, Wang H, Wang K, Wang Y, Wang P, Wang H, Wang Q, Wang Z, Xie X, Xie Z, Xu X, X Fei, Yang M, Yang B, Yi X, Ye X, Ye F, Yu Z, Yue D, Zhang B, Zhang J, Zhang J, Zhang X, Zhang W, Zhao W, Zhu B, Zhu Z, Zhong W, Bai C, Chen L, Han B, Hu C, Lu S, Li W, Song Y, Wang J, Zhou C, Zhou J, Zhou Y, Saito Y, Ichiki Y, Igai H, Watanabe S, Bravaccini S, Fiorelli A, Petrella F, Nakada T, Solli P, Tsoukalas N, Kataoka Y, Goto T, Berardi R, He J, Zhong N International consensus on severe lung cancer—the first edition Transl Lung Cancer Res 2021;10(6):2633-2666
  191. Petrella F Progress in lung cancer prevention Eur J Cancer Prev . 2021 Dec 1;31(Suppl 1):S8
  192. Casiraghi M, Petrella F, Sedda G, Mazzella A, Guarize J, Maisonneuve P, De Marinis F, Spaggiari L Preliminary Results of Robotic Lobectomy in Stage IIIA-N2 NSCLC after Induction Treatment: A Case Control Study J Clin Med . 2021 Aug 5;10(16):3465
  193. 2022

  194. Bertolaccini L, Casiraghi M, Petrella F, Rampinelli C, Tessitore A, Spaggiari L A methodological quality evaluation of the published guidelines and recommendations about the lung cancer screening Eur J Cancer Prev. 2022 Jan 1;31(1):19-25. doi: 10.1097/CEJ.0000000000000666
  195. Rizzo S, Petrella F, Bardoni C, Bramati L, Cara A, Mohamed S, Radice D, Raia G, Del Grande F, Spaggiari L CT derived body composition values and complications after pneumonectomy in lung cancer patients: time for a sex-related analysis?” Front Oncol. 2022 Mar 15;12:826058
  196. Petrella F, Bardoni C, Casiraghi M, Spaggiari L The role of surgery in high-grade neuroendocrine cancer: indications for clinical practice Frontiers in Medicine Front Med (Lausanne). 2022 Mar 25;9:869320
  197. Petrella F, Casiraghi M, Radice D, Bardoni C, Cara A, Mohamed S, Sances D, Spaggiari L Unplanned Return to the Operating Room after Elective Oncologic Thoracic Surgery: A Further Quality Indicator in Surgical Oncology Cancers (Basel). 2022 Apr 20;14(9):2064
  198. Petrella F, Casiraghi M, Radice D., Prisciandaro E, Mohamed S, Bramati L, Spaggiari L Salvage pneumonectomy for cancer in adult patients younger than 30 years: a case series Journal of Xiangya Medicine Volume 7 March 2022
  199. Casiraghi M, Mariolo AV, Mohamed S, Sedda G, Maisonneuve P, Mazzella A, Lo Iacono G, Petrella F, Spaggiari L Long-Term Outcomes of Robotic-Assisted, Video-Assisted and Open Surgery in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Matched Analysis J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 3363
  200. Petrella F, Casiraghi M, Bardoni C, Bramati L, Cara A, Spaggiari L Role of Partial Pleurectomy and Extended pleurectomy/Decortication in Mesothelioma: a narrative review Shanghai Chest, 2022, 6, 24
  201. Petrella F., Rizzo S, Bertolaccini L, Casiraghi M, Girelli L, Lo Iacono G, Mazzella A, Spaggiari L The “Balloon-like” sign: differential diagnosis between postoperative air leak and residual pleural space. Radiological findings and clinical implications of the Young – Laplace equation Cancers (Basel). 2022 Jul 20;14(14):3533
  202. Zhou C, Yang Y, Lin X, Fang N, Chen L, Jiang J, Deng H, Deng Y, Wan M, Qiu G, Sun N, Wu D, Long X, Zhong C, Xie X, Xie Z, Liu M, Ouyang M, Qin Y, Petrella F, Fiorelli A, Bravaccini S, Kataoka Y, Watanabe S, Goto T, Solli P, Igai H, Saito Y, Tsoukalas N, Nakada T, Li S, Chen R Proposed clinical phases for the improvement of personalized treatment of checkpoint inhibitor-related pneumonitis Front Immunol. 2022 Jul 20;13:935779
  203. Petrella F, Rizzo S, Casiraghi M, Bardoni C, Mohamed S, Musso V, Simonini E, Spaggiari L State of the art and new perspectives in surgical treatment of lung cancer: a narrative review Transl Cancer Res. 2022 Oct;11(10):3869-3875
  204. Petrella F, Zorzino L, Frassoni S, Bagnardi V, Casiraghi M, Bardoni C, Mohamed S, Musso V, Simonini E, Rossi F, Alamanni F, Venturino M, Spaggiari L Intraoperative Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenator for Lung Cancer Resections Does Not Impact Circulating Tumor Cells Cancers (Basel). 2022 Oct 13;14(20):5004
  205. Petrella F From diagnosis to treatment of lung cancer: un update in “Cancers”in 2021 Cancers 2022, 14(22), 5639
  206. Lin X, Deng H, Chu T, Chen L, Yang Y, Qiu G, Xie X, Qin Y, Liu M, Xie Z, Ouyang M, Li S, Song Y, Petrella F, Jakopovic M, Tsoukalas N, Solli P, Goto T, Saito Y, Zhou C Safety and efficacy of immunotherapy rechallenge following checkpoint inhibitor-related pneumonitis in advanced lung cancer patients: a retrospective multi-center cohort study Transl Lung Cancer Res 2022;11(11):2289-2305
  207. Petrella F, Manganaro L, Rizzo S Editorial: State of the Art Body Composition Profiling: Advances in Imaging Modalities and Patient Outcomes Front Oncol. 2022 Dec 5;12:1096671
  208. Mazzella A, Mohamed S, Maisonneuve P, Borri A, Casiraghi M, Bertolaccini L, Petrella F, Lo Iacono G, Spaggiari L ARDS after pneumonectomy: how to prevent It? Development of a nomogram to predict the risk of ARDS after pneumonectomy for lung cancer Cancers 2022, 14(24), 6048
  209. 2023

  210. Bertolaccini L, Casiraghi M, Galetta D, Petrella F, Mazzella A, Lo Iacono G, Girelli L, Bardoni C, Mohamed S, Musso V, Sedda G, Spaggiari L Surgical management of superior sulcus tumors: A twenty-year experience of an oncological high volume referral centre Front Oncol. 2023 Jan 12;12:1080765
  211. La Monica S, Coccé V, Bonelli M, Alessandri G, Alfieri R, Lagrasta CA, Frati C, Flammini L, Gianni A, Petrella F, Paino F, Pessina A Micro-Fragmented Fat Inhibits the Progression of Human Mesothelioma Xenografts in Mice Curr Cancer Drug Targets. 2023 Feb 1
  212. Mazzella A, Casiraghi M, Galetta D, Cara A, Maisonneuve P, Petrella F, Lo Iacono G, Brivio E, Guiddi P, Pravettoni G, Spaggiari L How Much Stress Does a Surgeon Endure? The Effects of the Robotic Approach on the Autonomic Nervous System of a Surgeon in the Modern Era of Thoracic Surgery Cancers (Basel). 2023 Feb 14;15(4):1207
  213. Mazzella A, Mohamed S, Maisonneuve P, Sedda G, Cara A, Casiraghi M, Petrella F, Donghi SM, Lo Iacono G, Spaggiari L Learning Curve of Robotic Lobectomy for the Treatment of Lung Cancer: How Does It Impact on the Autonomic Nervous System of the Surgeon? J Pers Med. 2023 Jan 21;13(2):193
  214. Petrella F, Rizzo S, Masiero M, Marzorati C, Casiraghi M, Bertolaccini L, Pravettoni G, Spaggiari L Clinical impact of vaping on cardiopulmonary function and lung cancer development: an update Eur J Cancer Prev. 2023 Mar 21
  215. Casiraghi M, Petrella F, Bardoni C, Mohamed S, Sedda G, Guarize J, Passaro A, de Marinis F, Maisonneuve P, Spaggiari L Surgically treated pT2aN0M0 (Stage IB) non-small cell lung cancer: a 20-year single center retrospective study J Clin Med. 2023 Mar 6;12(5):2081
  216. Petrella F, Rizzo S, Attili I, Passaro A, Zilli T, Martucci F, Del Grande F, Casiraghi M, de Marinis F, Spaggiari L Stage III non-small cell lung cancer: an overview of treatment options Curr Oncol. 2023 Mar 7;30(3):3160-3175
  217. Lo Iacono G, Mazzella A, Mohamed S, Petrella F, Sedda G, Casiraghi M, Girelli L, Bertolaccini L, Spaggiari L The Role of Surgery in Primary Chest Wall Tumors: Over 20 Years’ Experience in Resection and Reconstruction Cancers (Basel). 2023 Apr 5;15(7):2153
  218. Meacci E, Nachira D, Congedo MT, Ibrahim M, Pariscenti G, Petrella F, Casiraghi M, De Stefani A, del Regno L, Peris K, Triumbari EKA Schinzari G, Rossi E, Petracca-Ciavarella L, Vita ML, Chiappetta M, Siciliani A, Peritore V, Manitto M, Morelli L, Zanfrini E, Tabacco D, Calabrese G, Bardoni C, Evangelista J, Spaggiari L, Margaritora S Surgical Resection of Pulmonary Metastases From Melanoma In The Era Of Immune- And Targeted Therapy: Results From A Multicentric Study Cancers (Basel). 2023 Apr 25;15(9):2462
  219. Mohamed S, Bertolaccini L, Galetta D, Petrella F, Casiraghi M, de Marinis F, Spaggiari L Neoadjuvant Immunotherapy or Immuno-Chemotherapy in Resectable Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Comprehensive Review Cancers (Basel). 2023 Apr 26;15(9):2476
  220. Bertolaccini L, Bardoni C, Maffeis G, Mohamed S, Prisciandaro E, Diotti C, Casiraghi M, Petrella F, Spaggiari L. An evaluation of the methodological quality of published guidelines for the surgical treatment of pleural mesothelioma Eur J Cancer Prev. 2023 May 3. doi: 10.1097/CEJ.0000000000000810
  221. Petrella F, Casiraghi M, Rizzo S, Bertolaccini L, Mazzella A, Girelli L, Lo Iacono G, Spaggiari L Post-resectional bronchopleural fistula: aetiology, clinical management and future perspectives. A narrative review Shanghai Chest (accepted on May 15th 2023)
  222. Oliveri S, Lanzoni L, Veldwijk J, Ardine de Wit G, Petrocchi S, Janssens R, Schoefs E, Smith MY, Smith I, Nackaerts K, Vandevelde M, Louis E, Decaluwé H, DeLeyn P, Declerck H, Petrella F, Casiraghi M, Galli G, Garassino MC, Girvalaki C, Huys I, Pravettoni G Balancing benefits and risks in lung cancer therapies: patient preferences for lung cancer treatment alternatives Front Psychol. 2023 Jun 21;14:1062830
  223. Coccè V, Bonelli M, La Monica S, Alfieri R, Doneda L, Martegani E, Alessandri G, Lagrasta CA, Giannì A, Sordi V, Petrella F, Roncoroni L, Paino F, Pessina A Mesenchymal stromal cells loaded with Paclitaxel (PacliMES) a potential new therapeutic approach on mesothelioma Biochem Pharmacol. 2023 Jul 1;214:115678
  224. Petrella F, Casiraghi M, Bertolaccini L Spaggiari L Surgical approaches to Pancoast tumors J. Pers. Med. 2023, 13(7)
  225. Chengzhi Zhou, Yinyin Qin, Wei Zhao, Zhenyu Liang, Min Li, Dan Liu, Li Bai, Yahong Chen, Yan Chen, Yuan Cheng, Tianqing Chu, Qiang Chu, Haiyi Deng, Yuchao Dong, Wenfeng Fang, Xiuhua Fu, Beili Gao, Yiping Han, Yong He, Qunying Hong, Jie Hu, Yi Hu, Liyan Jiang, Yang Jin, Fen Lan, Qiang Li, Shuben Li, Wen Li, Yaqing Li, Wenhua Liang, Gen Lin, Xinqing Lin, Ming Liu, Xiaofang Liu, Xiaoju Liu, Zhefeng Liu, Tangfeng Lv, Chuanyong Mu, Ming Ouyang, Jianwen Qin, Shengxiang Ren, Huanzhong Shi, Minhua Shi, Chunxia Su, Jin Su, Dejun Sun, Yongchang Sun, Huaping Tang, Huijuan Wang, Kai Wang, Ke Wang, Mengzhao Wang, Qi Wang, Wei Wang, Xiaoping Wang, Yuehong Wang, Zhijie Wang, Zhirui Wang, Lin Wu, Di Wu, Baosong Xie, Min Xie, Xiaohong Xie, Zhanhong Xie, Shufeng Xu, Xiaoman Xu, Xia Yang, Yan Yin, Zongyang Yu, Jian Zhang, Jianqing Zhang, Jing Zhang, Xiaoju Zhang, Yingying Zhang, Diansheng Zhong, Qing Zhou, Xiangdong Zhou, Yanbin Zhou, Bo Zhu, Zhengfei Zhu, Chenxi Zou, Nanshan Zhong, Jianxing He, Chunxue Bai, Chengping Hu, Weimin Li, Yong Song, Jianying Zhou, Baohui Han,Janos Varga, Esther Barreiro, Hye Yun Park, Francesco Petrella, Yuichi Saito, Taichiro Goto, Hitoshi Igai, Sara Bravaccini, Michele Zanoni, Piergiorgio Solli, Satoshi Watanabe, Alfonso Fiorelli, Takeo Nakada, Yoshinobu Ichiki, Rossana Berardi, Nikolaos Tsoukalas, Nicolas Girard, Antonio Rossi, Antonio Passaro, Toyoaki Hida, Shiyue Li, Liang’an Chen, Rongchang Chen  International expert consensus on diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer complicated by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease  Transl Lung Cancer Res (Accepted on August 4th 2023)
  226. Mohamed S, Bertolaccini L, Casiraghi M, Petrella F, Galetta D, Guarize J, de Marinis F, Spaggiari L   Predictors, surrogate, and patient-reported outcomes in immunotherapy and salvage surgery for unresectable lung cancer: a single-center retrospective study   Updates Surg. 2023 Sep 5.

Contenuti Multimediali (Video)

  1. Petrella F, Spaggiari L “Carinal carcinoid: endoscopic laser assisted mechanical resection” CTS net The Cardiothoracic Surgery Network November 13th, 2013 (with permission of the Society for Cardiothoracic Surgery in Great Britain and Ireland)
  2. Petrella F, Spaggiari L, , Pardolesi A, Ansarin M, Guarize J Redo tracheal resection and laryngotracheal reconstruction for recurrent subglottic cicatricial stenosis CTS net The Cardiothoracic Surgery Network March 13th, 2014
  3. Petrella F, Spaggiari L, Pardolesi A, Guarize J Salvage tracheal resection for tracheal tumor after combined radiotherapy and brachytherapy CTS net The Cardiothoracic Surgery Network April 14th , 2014
  4. Petrella F, Pardolesi A, Spaggiari L Videothoracoscopic left internal mammary artery lymphadenectomy for single site breast cancer recurrence after chemoradiotherapy CTS net The Cardiothoracic Surgery Network October 6th 2014
  5. Spaggiari L, Mariolo AV, Petrella F, Romano R, Torre M Trans-sternal transpericardial approach for left main bronchus sleeve resection due to pulmonary glomus tumor CTS net The Cardiothoracic Surgery Network September 5th 2018
  6. Petrella F, Lo Iacono G, Prisciandaro E, Bacchiani G, Andreini D, Spaggiari L Uniportal VATS treatment of symptomatic pericardial cyst CTS net The Cardiothoracic Surgery Network May 6th 2018
  7. Petrella F, Bertolaccini L, Orlandi R, Spaggiari L Aspergilloma resection in a partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection (PAPVC) of the left upper lobe CTS net The Cardiothoracic Surgery Network November 13th 2019
  8. Petrella F, Mariolo AV, Mazzella A, Spaggiari L Custom-Made Circular Clamp for Deep Located Lung Nodule Resection CTS net The Cardiothoracic Surgery Network March 17th 2021
  9. Petrella F, Spaggiari L VATS Resection of Right Cardiophrenic Lymph Nodes CTS net The Cardiothoracic Surgery Network August 16th 2021
  10. Petrella F, Spaggiari L Preoperative holographic assessment of pulmonary anatomy CTS net The Cardiothoracic Surgery Network January 17th 2021


  1. M. Mastrorilli, M. Chittolini, D. Pagani, F. Petrella, F. Sellitri, S. Stanzani, R. Bazzocchi “Terapia chirurgica del cancro del polmone nell’anziano” in: L’Arte di Invecchiare Vecchi giovani o giovani vecchi? A cura di L. Pardo e L. Pagnoni – Pàtron Editore Bologna; Ottobre 2002
  2. F. Petrella, G. Veronesi, L. Spaggiari “La TC spirale nella prevenzione secondaria del tumore polmonare: l’esperienza dello IEO” in: Ex – Esposti a cancerogeni occupazionali: quale prevenzione? (Occupational exposure to carcinogens: which prevention for the previously exposed subjects?) ISPESL Istituto Superiore per la Prevenzione e la Sicurezza sul Lavoro
  3. L. Spaggiari, F Petrella, P Solli Thoracic wall reconstruction in local recurrences and advanced cases in: C. Urban and M. Rietjens Oncoplastic and reconstructive breast surgery Springer-Verlag Italia 2013 1st Edition ISBN 978-88-470-2651-3
  4. L. Spaggiari, F. Petrella Small Cell Lung Cancer in: ESTS (European Society of Thoracic Surgery ) Textbook of Thoracic Surgery 2014 Jaroslaw Kuzdzal Editor, Medycyna Praktyczna ISBN 978-83-7430-331-6
  5. Petrella F, Rizzo S, Acocella F, Brizzola S, Spaggiari L Mesenchymal Stem Cell therapy for airway restoration following surgery in: Stem Cells in Clinical Application Phuc Van Pham Editor, Liver, Lung and Heart Regeneration, Springer ISSN 2365-4198; ISBN 978-3-31946692-7 – 2017
  6. L. Spaggiari, F Petrella, A. Pardolesi, P Solli Thoracic wall reconstruction in local recurrences and advanced cases in: C. Urban and M. Rietjens Oncoplastic and reconstructive breast surgery Springer-Verlag Italia 2016 2nd Edition ISBN 978-3-319-62927-8
  7. Casiraghi M, Petrella F, Spaggiari L Il ruolo della chirurgia nelle metastasi polmonari in: “Il carcinoma adenoido-cistico nel distretto cervico-facciale” Quaderno di Aggiornamento AOOI. ACTA 2016
  8. Rizzo S, Del Grande F, Petrella F Radiomics and lung cancer: promising news for early detection of nodules Chapter 6 in “Lung cancer and Imaging” Ayman El-Baz and Jasjit S Suri IOP Publishing Temple Circus, Temple Way, Bristol, BS1 6HG, UK. ISBN 978-0-7503-2538-7; DOI 10.1088/978-0-7503-2540-0
  9. Petrella F, Spaggiari L Prolonged air leak after pulmonary lobectomy Key Leaders’ Opinion on peri-operative risk factor and Therapeutic Strategy in Lung Cancer Surgery AME Publishing Company 2020, Hong Kong ISBN 978-988-74593-0-9 Associate Editor: Francesco Petrella
  10. Petrella F Indications and timing of conversion to thoracotomy duirng video-assisted lung resection Key Leaders’ Opinion on peri-operative risk factor and Therapeutic Strategy in Lung Cancer Surgery AME Publishing Company 2020, Hong Kong ISBN 978-988-74593-0-9 Associate Editor: Francesco Petrella
  11. Petrella F, Spaggiari L Comparison of pulmonary metastasectomy and sterotactic body radiation therapy for the treatment of lung metastases Key Leaders’ Opinion on peri-operative risk factor and Therapeutic Strategy in Lung Cancer Surgery AME Publishing Company 2020, Hong Kong ISBN 978-988-74593-0-9 Associate Editor: Francesco Petrella
  12. Petrella F, Spaggiari L Pulmonary Resections in the Extensive Pulmonary Pathology in: Thoracic Surgery Cervical Thoracic and Abdominal Approaches Claudiu E. Nistor Steven Tsui Kaan Kırali Adrian Ciuche Giuseppe Aresu Gregor J. Kocher Editors © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 ISBN 978-3-030-40678-3
  13. Petrella F, Spaggiari L Stem Cells Application in Thoracic Surgery: Current Perspective and Future Directions in: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology – Cell Biology and Translational Medicine Volume 2 – Approaches for Diverse Diseases and Conditions Kursad Turksen Editor ISSN 0065-2598 © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018

Riviste Non Indicizzate

  1. G.C. Montini, M. Farsad, S. Fanti, E. Del Giudice, A. Romeo, D. Pagani, A. Bini, M. Grazia, F. Sellitri, F. Petrella, N. Monetti “La scintigrafia dei recettori della somatostatina (octreoscan) nel follow up dei pazienti con carcinoide bronchiale” Gli Ospedali della Vita – Anno XXIX n. 3/luglio 2002
  2. R. Bazzocchi, M. Grazia, A. Bini, F. Petrella “Il trapianto polmonare: lo stato dell’arte” Chirurgia Oggi Vol.1 Dicembre 2002
  3. Petrella F, Spaggiari L Stem cells for postsurgical fistulas: past, present and future Shortness of Breath 2015 April-June; 4(2): 42–46. ISSN: 2281-6550
  4. Catania C, Barberis M, Petrella F, Solli PG, De Pas TM, Perrone G, Spitaleri G, Noberasco C, Passaro A, Guerini Rocco E, de Marinis F Clinical and pathological response to pre-operative crizotinib in a patient with ALK-translocated NSCLC Journal of Cancer Research & Therapy October, 28 2016
  5. Petrella F, Borri A, Spaggiari L Management of air leaks after thoracic surgery: old style or digital drainage? Jan 9, 2018 J Xiangya Med
  6. Colonese F, Canova S, Petrella F, Cortinovis DL Oligometastatic disease in lung cancer for surgeons: an update Curr Surg Rep (2018) 6:6
  7. Petrella F, Spaggiari L Carinal Resection and Reconstruction with ECMO Support Curr Chall Thorac Surg 2021;3:28